About Us
Learn what sets Ateria Health apart from the competition
Our Story
Ateria Health Ltd is a science-backed health and wellness company focused on the gut microbiome to improve human health.
Ateria was founded by the principals of Scientific Venture Partners, a UK-based technology commercialisation company. It is focused on developing products for a variety of unmet needs involving gut health.
The products are based on the research of Professor John Hunter and Dr Rosemary Waring, leading investigators in gut health and metabolic disorders and co-founders of Ateria.
Ateria’s proprietary ingredient ERME™ assists digestion by adding enzymes to the diet. Scientific work has already shown improvements in the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
IBS is a serious chronic disorder that affects 10-15% of the global population. Symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas constipation and diarrhoea.
Our first brand JUVIA™ has been launched to target this market.
Preliminary evidence also suggests that the addition of these enzymes to the diet improves immune modulation in asthma, and we are not planning work looking at metabolic syndrome.

Our Science
At Ateria we are employing world leading research to understand the impact our product has on the microbiome and a range of health conditions.
Our Ingredient
ERME™ is Ateria’s scientifically backed and patent protected ingredient. It is derived from barley and comprises a mixture of natural plant-derived enzymes involved in breaking down and metabolising foodstuffs.

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